recent meetings
We are thrilled to share with you some pictures on our recent meetings with our strategic partners. They have been very productive and fruitful, and we have made significant progress on our joint projects and initiatives.

Our volunteers in action
Volunteers are the heroes of our community. They dedicate their time, energy, and skills to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Whether they are helping out at a local food bank, tutoring children, cleaning up the environment, or supporting a cause they care about, volunteers in action show their compassion and generosity every day. They inspire us to be more kind, grateful and engaged with the world around us.

Community EVENT: Spooktacular
RISE participated in District 5 first annual Spooktacular Candy Bash event. We had the opportunity engage with the community and bring awareness to RISE. We were able spread the word about RISE, explain what we do and offer aid to families in need who attended the spooktacular event.

RISE Holiday brunch
RISE is beyond thankful for our partnerships. Our partners show continuous support and care in assisting our neighbors here in Orange County, Florida.

City of orlando Fair Housing fair
RISE and our amazing partners American Red Cross, Endeavors, Mt. Olive and Latino Justice participated in the Fair Housing Fair hosted by the City of Orlando for Black History Month. It was an opportunity for the community to learn about their fair housing rights and speak to fair housing professionals and other community organizations.

The Fair Housing Fair gave us the opportunity to speak with the community and introduce ourselves. We enjoyed spreading our cause and speaking to the community to see if they had any unmet needs due to Hurricane Ian. City of Orlando put together a great event for this community. We were extremely grateful to be a part of it.

Client Highlights
Restoring hope, one home at a time! Thanks to the unwavering support of the Red Cross and RISE, we’ve transformed Hurricane Ian’s damage into renewed strength and resilience for this family’s home.